Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Reason #33 - Kisses

     There are some things in this world that are extremely precious and kisses are one of them. I normally wouldn't share such a personal thing, but kisses are some things that make me mega happy! Last week I was on a date and we were walking the halls of my apartment building. He quickly hesitated at one of the doors and told me we had to stop. I was really confused at why we were stopping at a random door. He just pointed toward the ceiling and above us was a bundle of mistletoe. I don't mean to get cheesy, but I have ALWAYS wanted to be kissed under the mistletoe so it was a really cool moment for me. Plus it was a perfect first kiss.

     If you can't think of anything else to live for, think of possible cute moments like this to look forward to. There's nothing like a sweet kiss to make you all giddy.

***Sorry for this post, dad. You can still believe I've never kissed a boy.*** 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Count Your Blessings and Dwell on the Positives

   A couple days ago I was having a pretty bad day. Not because I was feeling uber depressed, full of anxiety, or overly stressed. It was completely circumstantial and I let myself dwell on something that should no longer bother me. This is something that I keep wondering why I still fall into sadness over because it cannot be changed. Nevertheless, I found myself in bed, staring at the ceiling and replaying situations in my head over and over again like I had done a million times before. All week, my roommates and I had planned on going to a dance party that I have been excited for for weeks now. But because of my state of mind that night, my body did not feel like leaving my bed, much less leaving my house and pretending I was happy.

   That's when my roommate came in, flung off my covers and said, "BQ, you have been waiting to go dancing for awhile now. I know you don't feel like it, but you will feel better and you will have fun." I knew she was right, so I slowly slipped out of bed and started the long process of prepping for the first party of the new semester. As I was curling my hair, she turned to me and asked me to tell her five things that I was thankful for. I spat out the usual answers - "my family, my friends, the gospel..." She then asked me to give ten more and really go into detail this time. I ended up saying some ridiculous things like "the feeling after you brush your teeth and then drink a cold glass of water" and "the smell of fresh laundry." Although these things may seem silly, they are things that genuinely make me happy.

   It is so important to remember the little things in life. Not everyday can involve a huge event that you'll remember the rest of your life. Sometimes you just have to sit back and focus on the tiny day to day things that get you by. If we count our good days by days that something spectacular happens, chances are you won't have as many as you hope for. But if you end everyday with thinking of all the things that you are thankful for, you will realize that there is good all around. It really is just your perspective that changes things.

Thank you Natalie for teaching me this important lesson and for being such a great friend. <3

-B :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Reason #32 - Good Hugs

   There are few things in life more loving than good hugs. Many would say that nothing can beat a sincere kiss, which is very accurate. Especially when shared between two people who really care about each other. But hugs are more universal. Anyone can hug and hugs mean so many different things. They can signify a start of a new friendship or a reunion between old pals. Hugs can be used for comfort, as a sign that one person is there for another. They can be used to say "I'm sorry," "congratulations," and "I love you."

   I believe that the warmth that occurs during a great hug is more than just body heat coming together, it's like my soul is warm and my whole body fills with happiness. It sounds cheesy, but I just feel so good when hugging. Give a hug today! :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blogging from the bath - Take time for yourself

   I'm currently blogging from my bathtub. And now I'm giggling to myself because I'm picturing myself looking like Rev Run. He ended every show by blogging from his bubble bath. Tehe anyway, this week I have been feeling a tad antisocial. This is normally a red flag for me slipping into a depression. When I start feeling this way, I usually cling onto the closest human and make them hold me until I feel better. But today I was thinking about the last time that I set aside some time for myself. To my surprise, I couldn't remember. For the past four months, I have been spending every moment when other people. Roommates are great to have, but you can feel just as depressed in a room full of people as you can all alone. No doubt, I feel a lot better when I get out of the house and spend my time with others, but it is also so neccessary to focus on yourself. I have always equated keeping to myself a major sign of depression. But it really is okay as long as you're not excessively pushing away others to be alone. Also, it's important to be doing uplifting activities while alone. Instead of sleeping or moping, I have been reading a really great church book that has made me want to become closer to Thee. I have been running. I usually am not a big runner, but lately I feel as if my soul needs it instead of just my body. I've been setting aside time for baths and meditation. Sometimes it's very difficult loving yourself. We get so critical of ourselves and have trouble forgiving ourselves for things that we've done in the past. I am guilty of this. Nowadays we constantly hear how we should accept people for their differences and forgive them of mistakes- because we are all human and no one is perfect. I 100% agree with this outlook on life, but I would like to add accepting yourself to that. Cherish the little things that set you apart and acknowledge things that you love about yourself. We all have gifts that make us special and things that we are given to build up not only others, but ourselves too. So use them.

-B :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reason #31 - Stargazing

   Tonight, after a fairly decent night at work, I was fortunate enough to get to go stargazing with some great friends. We drove around til we found a nice spot to lay and spent the rest of the time marveling at the beautiful night sky. Stargazing is one of my all time favorite activities. I fell in love with it my first year at girl's camp, when my leader took us out to an open field and taught us about different constellations. That night we discussed everything from the sky to the mysteries of God. It was such an uplifting experience for me. In high school, my friends and I would make stargazing a weekly thing. It was always such a great opportunity to get to have heart to hearts with my friends or just to get to know them better. Even if I am alone I love to just ponder and feel the connection with the universe. I find it so amazing how we are just so tiny in the great span of things. If I could just sleep under the stars forever, I would.

-B :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reason #30 - Movies

   So, I'm not the most avid movie junky. Every once in awhile I will spend the $7 to see a movie in the theaters, but otherwise I have a very difficult time sitting for 2 or 3 hours. But often in college, we have trouble finding different things to do every night. So we usually end up just watching movies. I just find it so interesting how you can be so moved, laugh so hard, and feel so deeply in just a few short hours. The creativity that some directors posses just amazes me. How lucky we are to be able to set aside some time to just relax and have a story unfold right before us.

Some of my favorites:
Saving Private Ryan
Dumb and Dumber
Django Unchained
The Other Woman
Silver Linings Playbook
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Forrest Gump
Beauty and the Beast
Harry Potter
Captain America

-B :)

Monday, August 25, 2014

Let Me Tell You Something About Depression...

   Lately I have been feeling very prompted to write something straightforward about living with depression. I always hesitate to talk about this subject. I never want people to worry about me, pity me, label me, or feel that I am always complaining about my life. There will always be those people who just won't understand, not because they are rude, but because they just cannot fathom feeling so low. I am jealous of these people. I wish I did not have this deep understanding of darkness, but everyone has their own trials. This just happens to be mine, so I shouldn't have to keep such a big part of my life so hidden.

   The best way I can describe living with depression is "the hole". On my worst days I literally feel like there's a hole in me. A big, gaping one right in the middle of my chest. I feel like I have to curl myself into a ball and cover it to make sure my insides don't fall out. It's the weirdest thing.

   Sometimes I feel so exhausted that breathing is hard. That I consciously have to keep filling my lungs with air because my body won't do it on it's own. But that's the only thing I feel like I can handle in that moment. It hurts to even think about moving your body out of bed.

   Sometimes I feel so numb and it's scary. In my opinion this is the worst part of depression. There comes a point where you just start not caring. You don't feel happy, but you don't feel sad. You don't feel anything and you're kind of just there. Like you're just taking up space. That's the worst because nothing matters. Failing grades? Whatever. Your health? Ehh. Losing friends? It was bound to happen anyway. I would take the feeling of complete sadness or complete heartache a million times over feeling numb. It's better to feel something than nothing at all.

   I'm not sharing all this because I want to depress you or to try to get people to feel bad for me. The purpose of this is that I want you to know that even this pain passes. It really does. Of course, it may come and go. And during a low day you might not ever think that things will be different because it is so hard to see past misery when it forms all around you in a thick, black haze. But you're whole life will not be darkness. There are too many great things in this world to see, to do, and to love to always be sad. And the more things you see, do, and love, the less time you have to dwell on your depression. Yes, it may always be there. You may always have to take anti-depressants or you may have to go to therapy every week until you're gray, but happiness is so possible.

   I promise that the hardest part about living with depression is telling someone. It takes a lot of courage and recovery takes work. But it is the most rewarding thing. The first good day after a period of numbness is like a breath of fresh air. You finally feel like you can stop forcing a half smile and happiness starts coming naturally again. Feeling that on top of the world makes all that hard work feel so worth it. Just like sadness, happiness does not last forever. I encourage you to journal a lot in these happy moments. Make a list of reasons to live, or jot down some little things that just make you happy. Because if another bad day happens to pop up out of the blue, you have something to remind you how possible it is to feel good again. And remember that people want to help, so let them. No one can do life alone, even if depression is something they don't have to deal with.



Reason #29 - Work and Charity

   Something that always makes me feel better is throwing myself right into something. I recently started working two different jobs - a survey call center and a clothing store. I'll let you guess which one is the more enjoyable. But even if these jobs aren't what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, I feel so blessed to be able to have jobs. I feel so much better when I leave the house and step into work, knowing that there are people who are counting on me to complete a task. It makes me feel needed, which is something that everyone desires. In a way, I feel like I am making my own tiny, little difference in the world. And I'm not just sitting on my couch feeling sorry for myself, so that's a plus.

   No matter who you are, doing service or charity work will always improve your mood. One of my favorite quotes is, "We rise by lifting others." I believe in this 100%. In high school I volunteered at a camp for people with physical and mental disabilities. I can honestly say that this was one of the best experiences of my life. There is nothing like bringing joy and friendship to someone who needs it. There are 7 billion people on this earth and every single one of them deserves to be cared for. Every. Single. One. I wish I could split myself up 7 billion different ways so that I can give every individual person the love and attention that they deserve. But even if I can't do that, it's enough just to make one person's day. People need people. It's so important to be someone who has an open heart and to constantly be there for others. You do not know what is going on in another's life or what they might be struggling with. Make life a little easier for someone by just being nice. It really is that simple. And when you throw yourself into work or charity, you don't have time to dwell on things that make you sad. :)

- B

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Reason #28 - Summer

   I am having one of the best summers of my life. I am living 1800 miles away from home and it's very different than a summer at home. It's strange being on my own schedule. I don't have to babysit all day or have to be home at a certain time. Everything is my choice and it is liberating. I miss home and my family a lot, but I am slowly falling in love with Rexburg and all the friends that I have here. It feels great to be working for myself and living for myself. I feel like this is one of the only times in life where you can get away with being a little bit selfish, when you're trying to make something out of yourself.

   Even before I moved away from home I always loved summers. Late nights and friends make it all worthwhile. I may not get much sleep, but at least I'm having fun... right?

 Just some summer antics:
1. Grim eating a raw potato... because Idaho so why not?
2. Dolly riding through our apartment building.
3. My roommate, Natalie, and me riding on top of Mitch's car.
4. We through a huge party and played WATER pong. :)
5. Stayed up all night and watched the sunrise from the top of our building.

I love summer and feeling free.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Mother's Thoughts...

   Sorry I have taken a hiatus from blogging lately. Life has had a lot of ups and downs lately. I'm sure you have heard of Robin Williams' death by now. This sparked a good conversation about my own depression between my mom and I. She then asked my permission to write a post about it on Facebook. I am not ashamed of my illness, so of course I encouraged her to do it. I would like to share it with you here because mental illness is important to shed light on.

"Much is being said about depression and suicide in the wake of Robin Williams' death. Let me offer another side and some unsolicited advice. A warning, this may be long. There are varying degrees of depression and many don't come right out and say they're struggling. I mean, it's a tough thing to admit you have a mental illness. You know that there are people thinking you're flawed and that if you just pray and think happy thoughts, your illness will go away. No one ever thinks that of some one with a physical illness.

So here's just one thing you can do: be the type of person where the one who is struggling can come to you, knowing you'll hold no judgement and they'll have a safe place to land. Where you just sit and listen to them. Sometimes, as a parent of one who struggles with deep depression, you may hear things that scare the daylights out of you. Like how the isolation they feel is so overwhelming. Or they don't want to be a burden and they know suicide is not the answer but that feeling has such a tight grip on their soul, they can't shake it and fear they'll succumb. Or they just come right out and say, "I don't want to live." And it's not being said for attention, it's a true, scary thought. You look into this beautiful face and know there are great and fun times ahead in their life and wonder why they can't see it. So you have to act. No matter what it takes.

Unfortunately, mental health is expensive and severely underfunded and budget cuts are made every year in hospitals across the country, resulting in their closings. We were lucky that we have a great facility here. We looked at it like investing in our child's future, the same way we do as college so we took advantage of any and all programs; both in-patient and outpatient. There was no way depression was going to win out in this family. Everyday I said that depression had never met this mother before! (thumbs pointing to myself) and Jon of course! We were also lucky that we had several friends who were that soft place for us as well. I am forever grateful to them. With therapy and treatment, it can become manageable, just like living with diabetes or other manageable illnesses. There will always be some that won't understand or don't want to and that's ok. The ones that do (and hopefully most are your immediate family) make up for all that anyway. And the only way for it to be more accepted and understood is to talk about it. From the very beginning I told my daughter that she had two choices and I would respect either. We could deal with this quietly as a family (but then it would appear we're ashamed) or be open about it and maybe help others along the way. I'm so glad she chose to be open about it. *I did ask her permission to write this, though. I never want to assume. Thanks for letting me put this out there!" 

I am so thankful to have such understanding and supportive family members, friends, and medical professionals. I feel so lucky. Remember how important it is to reach out to others and to be open and loving. Everyone deserves love, no matter what you've been through. I hope everyone is well. 

- B :)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Reason #27 - My Roommates

     I think I'm the luckiest girl in all of Rexburg because I got put with the best group of girls ever. I was very nervous about living with 5 other girls that I didn't know. You never know how that is going to turn out. But they have made this move so much easy for me. We all clicked right away and we have so much fun together. I just want to tell a little bit about them so you can see how awesome they are.

Bianca - Bianca is so great. She is from LA and is a cute little Latina. She's a great dancer and we always combine our food and make new creations. (Just a tip... never combine homemade mac and cheese, salami, and Asian BBQ chicken...) She served a mission in Virginia and she is so much fun to be around!

Al - Al, short for Alexandria, is just plain awesome. She has been doing jujitsu for 2 years now and she has all of us into it now (SO FUN)! She's from Nevada and she is so funny. She's also an AMAZING artist. I wish I had just an ounce of talent that she has! Oh, and she also make a great strawberry tart (currently in my stomach).

Victoria - Victoria is super awesome. She's originally from Florida, but just moved from South Carolina. We enjoy reminiscing about the South together. She is a great dancer and we are always busting a move around the apartment. She has a fantastic music taste and a similar sense of humor to mine. She reminds me of my friends back home, which makes me so happy! And she is SUCH A GOOD COOK!

Meganne - Meganne is downright sweet. She couldn't hurt a fly and she always brightens my mood. She is from Utah and is just one of those girls that you can tell really loves the Lord. She always seems to have the best advice and has all these little facts hidden in her brain somewhere. It's awesome! Oh, and the boys love her. ;)

Ashley - Last but not least is Ashley. Ashley is from Montana and she makes me want to move there because she always shows me the most gorgeous pictures of it. She has a great sense of humor and is always making me laugh. She's the one I share a room with and I'm happy for that because we always have so much fun. She loves movies and we watch about one a day! She's also really great at sports and we have a lot in common because I love sports too!

     In short, I love all my roommates! It's like having 5 new sisters. There's always someone to talk to and to cheer you up when you're feeling down. I wouldn't trade them for the world and my roommates next semester have a lot to live up to!

Now some pictures of these great girls....

Hanging out in some caves.

Going dancing!

After we stole borrowed a bunch of candy from a ward activity.

Celebrating a beautiful day with some ice cream.

Playing a game with whipped cream...

Bianca eating with with a tablespoon the poor college student way.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Reason #26 - Exercise

   Today I am very thankful for exercise. Since I am an exercise physiology major, I thought that this semester it would be a good idea to actually... exercise. I have always loved sports and have been semi-active. But since I now have access to one of the best exercise facilities in the nation, I have decided to take my health more seriously. It's not easy to find motivation to get up and get moving, but I have amazing roommates that give me just the right amount of push that I need. Once I am there, I love it. It's so nice to feel like you have control of your body and it's even better to see the progress you've made. Just knowing that I made it to the gym is an accomplishment for me. Today I was especially happy because all my roommates were busy, but I still got dressed at went to the gym myself. It felt so freeing just being able to run alone and clear my mind. Eventually I ran into a friend and he showed me some good exercises that I will probably start doing a lot now!
   In my personal health and fitness class we were discussing what kind of exercise is the best for you. We came to the conclusion that the best exercise is the one that you enjoy the most. There's no sense in swimming laps if you hate being in the pool. Chances are if you enjoy the exercise, then you will be more willing to do it. It really is that simple. Plus, my mood is all around better when I get a good work out in. It gets me out of bed and gives me an opportunity to clear my mind. If you don't have access to a gym, there are plenty of things you can do without one. Play tag, go on a hike, shoot hoops, learn yoga. All you have to do is find something you like and do it! :)


Friday, May 2, 2014

Update on My Life!

   Hello all! I apologize for not posting in awhile. April brought lots of exciting changes for me! For one, I moved to Idaho! Crazy... right?! I am going to school at BYU-Idaho and I LOVE IT so far! I am studying exercise physiology, which is really interesting to me. The transition has been a little difficult, but a lot better than I expected. I was pretty homesick for a couple of days. It was also very rainy the first week, but it has been beautiful for the past couple of days. I do miss Pennsylvania a lot!

   The people here are so great. Everyone is really kind and my roommates are AWESOME! I couldn't have asked for a better group of girls to live with. There are six of us in the apartment, so we have some pretty fun times. Sometimes it's hard to get studying done because we are always doing something.

The best thing about going to a church school is that everything is so gospel-oriented. The spirit here is so nice and we start every class with a prayer. I think this place is very good for me because it was sometimes hard for me to remember our Lord in high school, but here it's impossible to forget him. I am so lucky that I get to spend some of my college experience here and I am so excited for what is to come. I have lots of things worth living for, so look out for more posts soon!

-B :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Reason #24 - Music

   Upon getting to know someone, I like to find out what kind of music they listen to. You can tell A LOT about a person based on what they have on their Ipod. Music is so universal and very personal to many people. Certain songs can have very special meanings for people. "Hey Jude" by the Beatles is one of my favorite songs. It reminds me of a trip I went on with the youth in my church. We sang it on the bus one day and now every time I hear that song I remember the amazing feeling of that carefree summer.
   Music can unite thousands of people at a time. One of my favorite things is being in the crowd at a concert and dancing and singing with all the strangers around me. The last concert I went to, Weezer (SO GOOD), we met some kids around our age and instantly became friends after a conversation about how much we love the band.

   Plus some of my most favorite memories come from concerts. I saw Blink-182 (also good) a few years back and it rained for a good 5 hours. "Rained" is putting it lightly, it POURED. It was a blast though because no one cared, we were drenched. It was definitely something I cannot forget. Especially because now anytime I hear one of their songs I have flashbacks from that day. I don't think I have gone to a single concert that I wouldn't want to relive if I had the chance.

   When I am happy, sad, or angry, I put on the radio. I love that there is literally a song for any emotion and any situation. I envy people who can write music that can relate to so many people.

- B :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reason #23 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ

   Today I was sitting in church feeling tired partly because I stayed up late, and also because of the time change. In the beginning of our services, we have a thing called 'sacrament.' The closest thing I can relate it to would be communion. It is when we partake of bread to remember the body of Christ, and water to remember the blood. During this time it is quiet and we have time to think about our Savior. I found myself people watching a little. In the pew behind me was a lovely older couple who have been in the area for decades. They know everyone and greet you with such a warm welcome that makes you feel like family. Across from me was a young couple with their first little baby. The way the proud parents look at their sweet little boy could end wars. To my left were missionaries who have left their families, friends, jobs, and education to come to a foreign place to teach truth to the people who seek it. As I was looking at the congregation I felt love for them. I found it amazing that these people of all ages and from all different backgrounds come together once a week for the same reason.

   Last year at this time I was not attending church. I couldn't get out of bed to go and to be honest, I did not want to be there. Looking back, I wish I had never stopped going because it wasn't until I started going regularly again that my true happiness came back and my depression was placed on the backburner. Now, I see Christ's love everywhere. I see it in the people that he has put in my life. I don't believe that we end up meeting specific people just by coincidence. I have too many experiences where people have helped me when they did not even know I needed help or have encouraged me when they did not know I needed encouragement. The Lord works through his children and I can see that now more than ever.

   I can see His love in nature. The way the sky looks during a sunrise. The way the snow lays perfect and quiet. The way a tree shades you on a sunny day. The way a flower starts from a little seed and grows straight and tall. All for a purpose. All for us.

   I see our Savior's love through His gospel and His teachings. He loves us so much that he created a plan for us. He sent a Prophet to lead and guide us. He did not leave us to figure everything out for ourselves. He provided teachings and a WAY we can learn those teachings. Our Lord knows each and every one of us personally. He knows our struggles, our worries, and the demons that we never let anyone else see. He wants us to be happy and he wants us to return to him someday. Both of these things are possible through Him. He promises that if we love Him and follow Him, we WILL be happy. I know that this is true. I am so thankful I have finally realized this. I am so thankful for the people in my life and the fellowship in my church. It's so comforting knowing that I have people to lean on when I need it. Most of all, I am thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the love that he shows me. I am one lucky girl.

- B
p.s. If you want to know more about what I believe, feel free to visit http://mormon.org/. :)

Oh Technology...

   So... maybe you noticed that I haven't posted in a couple weeks and maybe you haven't. Long story short - I lost the charger to my laptop. I know, it's a pretty lame excuse. Technology is a blessing and a curse. But I found it and hopefully I will be posting on the regular again. I hope everyone has been doing well! Have a happy Sunday!

:) - B

Sunday, February 23, 2014

How to be a Friend to Someone with Depression

   It is really hard to be a friend to someone who is struggling. Many people just don't know what to do or say, especially if they have never experienced depression before. When I was struggling, I blamed a lot of my sadness on others. Because my confidence was so low, I thought that others were purposely leaving me out of activities, when really I was just so isolated that I made it hard for even my best friends to try and connect with me. It's hard to explain, but a lot of times when during my bad days, I didn't know what I wanted. I wanted a friend by my side constantly, but I also wanted to be left alone. It's difficult for everyone involved. I thought I would write some advice for both parties - how to help someone and how to let someone help you.

People who are Struggling - Depression is hard and if you have not experienced what it feels like first hand, then it is very difficult to try and understand. That's why it's important to try and let others know how you feel. People cannot read minds and sometimes they can't tell that you are struggling, so you must speak. It's an important part of healing, and for me, the most difficult. No matter who you are or what your situation, there are people out there who WANT to help you. Let them. Of course, no one can fix you. Getting better is a choice, but the path of healing is made significantly easier when someone is there for you along the way. Be open and communicate. Allow someone to do something nice for you and be grateful. Remember always that people care for you and want you to be happy, but don't feel as if you let them down even if you are not. It takes lots of time and work, but in the end you will be glad that you have someone you can be open with.

Friends - The most important thing to keep in mind is that depression is never someone's fault, so it's good to remember not to be judgmental. Also, do not expect to be able to heal someone else. Your job is not to lead them down the path of healing, it's to walk beside them. Stay positive and be open. Specifically ask what they would like you to do to help them. Every case is different, so you never really know what they want. Sometimes they will want to be alone and that is okay. Offer to do things that you know they love to do. Take them on a hike or to a movie. It takes a lot of effort to be the friend, but do not give up on them. Whether they show it or not, they need friends. Encourage them to do little things, like shower or make their bed. Remind them that you care. Remind them that depression is a liar and that it does not control them.

   I saw this great article on facebook about how to show love to someone with depression. It has some great ideas about things that you can actually do... http://www.thedarlingbakers.com/love-someone-with-depression/

   For both parties the most important thing to remember is to never ever give up, no matter how much you believe that things are not working. Some day, all of your efforts will be so, so worth it.

:) - B

Friday, February 21, 2014

Reason #22 - The Olympics

   Sorry I have been slacking on posting. I have been a tad distracted lately. I wish I could say that I've been really productive - that I've been busy working or cleaning or getting ready for college. But none of those are the case. No, I have been watching the Olympics non-stop. It's kind of bad. I just veg out in front of the TV all day. During the times where there are no events on, I go on the internet and read about the athletes, then I watch the events that I didn't get to see earlier on Primetime. Let's just say if keeping up with all things Olympic where a sport, I would get the gold medal. I guess you could call it an obsession, but I like to think of it as dedication. I just love the unity and patriotism that go along with it. It makes me so happy!  Plus the Olympics are only every 2 years, so I am fine dedicating 2 weeks to them.

   I would say my love for the Olympics started in Salt Lake City in 2002. I happened to live there at that time and they happened to start on my 7th birthday that year. It was such an exciting time. There was so much hype and this was all pretty new to me. My mom made Olympic ring cupcakes to share with my 1st grade class and after school my dad took my sister and I to see the running of the Olympic torch. I loved all the traditions and I eagerly watched the Opening Ceremonies that night. You could see the Olympic rings from my house and it all felt really special.

   In the mall a lot of pin trading and selling was going on. My mom got me a mascot hat and some really cool pins. One of the vendors even gave me a special pin because it was my birthday. I thought it was so cool how people made pin collecting their hobby and there were some that were really rare and worth a lot. It was all so exciting.

   Everything got a lot more exciting when my grandma surprised my mom, sister, and me with tickets to go see figure skating. It was so much fun. Charley and I got little American flags and we would wave them around and cheer for the US, even when it was a foreign skating. I got to see my favorite Olympians, Michelle Kwan and Sarah Hues. After watching them I knew I wanted to take up skating, so I made several trips to the ice rink after that. Unfortunately I never got a chance to live out that dream, but I still have a love for the Olympics anyway. That experience is something that I will always cherish. I hope to make it back someday.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Reason #21 - Sunrises

   Last night I had an amazing night sleep and I woke up way before my alarm. Instead of going back to bed I decided to get up and watch the sunrise. It has been a while since I've been up at that hour, so I forgot how much I missed it. Sunrises are so special. They represent another day, a new start. Mornings are quiet and slow and almost all consistent. I may be a night owl, but I really appreciate a beautiful morning.

A scene from this morning.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reason #20 - Birthdays!

   I can honestly say that I fully prepared for last year to be my last birthday, but I am so happy it wasn't! Today I had a blast and I believe that birthdays are one of the greatest reasons to live. A whole day dedicated to you. How fun is that? This birthday was especially exciting because it's Olympic time now, which is also one of my favorite things! So last night I had some friends over to watch the Opening Ceremonies. Then today we had our monthly date night and we went laser tagging. It was probably one of the best birthdays I have had. The best part of it all was getting to spend it with some of my favorite people.

Some scenes from this weekend...
The photobooth after laser tagging.

Some pretty flattering pictures of me, Melissa, and Jenn...

Yay for birthdays and good company!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Reason #19 - Giving & Receiving Compliments

   Getting a really nice compliment from someone just makes my day! But it also makes me happy attempting to make someone else's day by giving a compliment. There's nothing more simple and kind that you can do for someone, or that they can do for you, than just voicing what you like about them.

   Today my friend showed me Daily Odd Compliment (http://dailyoddcompliment.tumblr.com/). It's a blog that posts unusual compliments. We were sending them back and forth and I was laughing so hard because so many of them actually related to our friendship.

   Someone once told me to never pass up the opportunity to compliment someone. If you genuinely like something about someone, even if it's just the way they did their hair that day or their new socks, make sure you tell them! It doesn't even matter if it's a complete stranger! It can turn a bad day into one that's a little bit better. Sometimes that's all someone needs to keep going!

A few Odd Compliments....

:) -B
P.S. To everyone that reads my blog - you are all amazing and cute and I hope you are having a fabulous week.

This made me so happy!

p.s. turn on some music & watch them dance. then dance with them!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Reason #18 - Yoga

   I started doing yoga in the hospital. I never really had a desire to try it before I  had the opportunity, but I'm really glad I did it! It is so refreshing and relaxing. I love doing it at the end of a long day to clear my mind. Anyone really can do it! I am at the point where I don't use instructional videos anymore, I just do the positions I want to do and that is so freeing. I hope to teach it someday! I also want to travel and do yoga in really cool places. It's something so simple, but is so good for you physically and mentally!

Yoga on, yogis!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Reason #17 - Babies

   Holding a little baby is an instant uplift for me. Who can resist little baby face and little baby smell?? Not this girl. Here are some cute babies to get you through this Monday...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reason #16 - Waking up 2 hours before your alarm clock

   We had some ladies over for dinner tonight and we all agreed that one of the best things in life is when you wake up two hours before your alarm clock is set to go off. It's so amazing getting that feeling when you realize you have a lot more time to rest. It's something so simple, but makes me so happy every time it happens. On the other hand, waking up two minutes before you have to get up is the worst. But I want this blog to be strictly positive, so I'm not going to talk about that. :-)


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reason #15 - Work

   This may sound unusual, but I love working! This is mostly because I adore my job. I work at the Gymboree outlet and it's the bomb! I think it's way better than working in food or as a fair greeter (my previous jobs). I get to sell cute clothing to cute kids. And getting to interact with the little ones is the best! The other day a little girl asked me to watch the TV with her and I did for a little because we weren't busy! It was so precious. I just feel so good when I get to work. It gets me out of the house and takes my mind off of things for awhile. It also helps when you enjoy being around the people you work with. Tonight I helped put together a lot of outfits for a woman who was shopping for her daughter. I was working with her for over an hour! It's so satisfying pleasing someone else and hearing them say, "I'm going to write you a good review." If it paid better I could probably do this for the rest of my life! But there are many other jobs that I want to experience in life, so that probably won't happen.

   If I had any advice to give if would be to find a job that makes you happy! It's really difficult during your teenage years because jobs are slim. I was lucky to work at a restaurant where a lot of my good friends worked so that really helped. I had fun there, but eventually I was ready for something different and decided to leave instead of continuing in a job that I didn't enjoy as much. Money is nice to have, but happiness is way more important. There is something out there that you will look forward to doing, you just have to search a little to find it sometimes! :)


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reason #14 - Uplifting Conversations

   Have you ever left a conversation just smiling and thinking, "Wow, that was really nice." Maybe you were talking to a family member or a neighbor or a cute boy or an older lady in church. Nothing is more uplifting than a nice interaction with a friendly human being.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reason #13 - Snow Days!

   Even though I am no longer in school, snow days are still fun for me. I enjoy having the kids with me (for the most part). It's like time freezes and you just get a free day off. Today we are drinking hot cocoa, watching movies, reading books, and cuddling. Yayayayaya :))

Sending the kiddies out to play!
-B :)

Reason #12 - Late nights

   I love many times of the day, but there's just something about the world late at night. Everything is still and silent. I do some of my best thinking in the middle of the night. That's when I write most of my blog posts or in my journal or letters or I read or watch movies. It's also some of the only time I get to spend alone. I don't have to be doing anything for anyone else, it's my me time. A time to reflect on my day or to email my best friend who is 10 hours ahead of me in India. I am the definition of a night owl.

   Also, some of my favorite memories with my friends have been late at night when we're half insane and do something we wouldn't even think about doing in the daylight.


Reason #11 - Pretty Flowers

   It's the dead of winter and this is easily the most depressing time of the year for me. I think I hate it so much because I really enjoy being outside with nature and seeing everything alive around me, but that isn't so easy in the winter. Right now I am dreaming of flowers. Flowers can say so many different things. They tell us when spring is here. And they can say "I love you," "I'm sorry," or even "I was just thinking of you and I wanted you to have these pretty flowers because you are awesome." Charley went out and bought a bunch of flowers for the house and it really brightens my mood every time I walk passed them. I really need more flowers in my life, especially in the winter.

Boys take note: hydrangeas and sunflowers are my favorite. :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Reason #10 - Vinyl Records

   Today my sister went off on a little day trip to Lancaster City. To my surprise she came home with four new records for me! I was even more surprised to find out that they were really good records. Not the kind that you can pick up at a consignment shop for a buck. Like Darkside of the Moon kind of good. Eeek! I'm a happy girl. My parents got me a little record player for Christmas and now I've become obsessed. Music just sounds so cool and gritty on them. Currently I'm listening to one that my sister just got me today, the Woodstock soundtrack. It gives me chills because they have clips of announcements and other sounds from the audience too. Ahh, I love it. It's pretty fun!

Spinning some Beatles on the good old player.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reason #9 - Sports

   I'm kind of a junkie when it comes to sports. I can never get enough of sports and I love them all. I'm especially happy tonight because my Seattle Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl! Whoooo! There really isn't anything like watching a close game, knowing that anything could happen. And there is an amazing unity among fans of the same team. A team can bring together a whole city. Ahh, I love it!


Reason #8 - Good Books

   One of my favorite things is finding a great book and staying up really late reading because you can't put it down. Ahh, just thinking about it fills me with joy. My problem is, though, that I want to read so many books that I can't just read one at a time. So sometimes it takes me 6 months to finish a book because I'll be reading 3 other ones at the same time. I should work on that, but I just love reading and I just want to read everything. And I LOVE libraries. They are just so enchanting to me. I could spend hours in them. I love the atmosphere and even the smell. Plus you can meet the coolest people in libraries because the coolest people read.

My dream.

   I have a lot of favorite books, but It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini is probably my favorite. I think I like it so much because I identify SO much with the main character. It's about a boy named Craig who struggles with depression and ends up in a mental hospital. The way it's written is not depressing, it's really funny. It took me awhile to read because I started it before I went into the hospital, and then finished it after I got out. I credit this book for helping me so much through that time because it was comforting to see my life in a book basically. It's so real and it is based off the author's own struggles and stay in a hospital himself. The ending is just so amazing. I read the last page often when I am feeling down. Sadly, a couple days before this past Christmas, Ned Vizzini took his own life. I was heartbroken to hear that the man who wrote such an influential book in my life fell victim to his disease. After his passing I saw many people on the internet say how this book helped save their lives. I highly recommend it.
Some of my other favorites:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Crime and Punishment
Into the Wild
Looking for Alaska
The Outsiders
The Giver
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Harry Potter series
Hunger Games series
My Sister's Keeper
The Color Purple
A Series of Unfortunate Events
and so, so many more.
What I'm reading now...

   There's this great place that has super cheap used books called 2nd and Charles. You can also trade in old books for credit, but I don't like giving my books back because I like watching my collection get bigger. :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reason #7 - Dreams

   You can interpret this reason in a couple different ways.

1. I think dreaming while asleep is one of the coolest things ever. Our mind subconsciously makes little movies for us every night. How CRAZY is that? I have been known to have really wild dreams, especially after I started routine medication. Sometimes I go on those dream interpreting websites to try and figure out what they mean. I'm not sure how accurate they are, but they are fun to explore. I also have very simple dreams, that sometimes make me rethink if they were actually real life or not. Nevertheless, I love being able to recall my dream the following day. Sometimes I get upset when I can't finish them, but they are still super awesome to me. Our brains are such cool and powerful things.

2. Day dreaming. I dream about my future a lot. I imagine how I will meet my future husband, my wedding (a lot about my wedding), my future children, the home we will live in, going to grandma's house for Thanksgiving, what I will do for a living. I dream about places I will visit and things I want to see and experience. I hope I get to travel and make lots of memories. I want to hot air balloon and go on a cross country road trip and see tons of national parks and monuments. I want to have a perfectly imperfect family and have a really crazy Christmas card every year. I want to have a really close relationship with God. I want to go to as many concerts as possible, even when I'm really old and I can't stand anymore. I want to go white water rafting and hiking in unique places. I want to volunteer a lot and meet all kinds of people. I want to hear about other's lives and I want to make them better if possible. I want to invent or create something really cool or crafty. I want Oprah to tweet me back. I want to write a book and some good poetry. I want to throw a surprise party for someone I love. I want someone I love to throw a surprise party for me. I want to eat lots of yummy foods and never turn down something delicious for the sake of trying to lose weight. I want to teach yoga in Hawaii. I want to love and to be loved. And I don't want to leave this earth until I have done all these things.
Dreaming is what keeps you alive.

And now I leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reason #6 - Friends

   I wasn't always the best friend during my low periods. I became very isolated and distant. It was very hard for others to connect with me and because of that I felt like I was losing friends. I am thankful for those that stuck around and tried to understand what I was going through. I don't have enough time to write about them all, but I found a bunch of pictures today. Even all these pictures don't cover all the people that stuck by me through that time.

   Be a good friend and never ever give up on anyone. Chances are they are acting like that for a reason. Take time to listen and just be there when they need you. And if you are the struggling friend, don't be afraid to confide in your friends. They can't read your mind, so they need you to tell them how to help. If they are a good friend, they will listen. Sometimes the best thing someone can do to help is just sit in silence, not talking about problems, but just being there.



