Monday, September 1, 2014

Blogging from the bath - Take time for yourself

   I'm currently blogging from my bathtub. And now I'm giggling to myself because I'm picturing myself looking like Rev Run. He ended every show by blogging from his bubble bath. Tehe anyway, this week I have been feeling a tad antisocial. This is normally a red flag for me slipping into a depression. When I start feeling this way, I usually cling onto the closest human and make them hold me until I feel better. But today I was thinking about the last time that I set aside some time for myself. To my surprise, I couldn't remember. For the past four months, I have been spending every moment when other people. Roommates are great to have, but you can feel just as depressed in a room full of people as you can all alone. No doubt, I feel a lot better when I get out of the house and spend my time with others, but it is also so neccessary to focus on yourself. I have always equated keeping to myself a major sign of depression. But it really is okay as long as you're not excessively pushing away others to be alone. Also, it's important to be doing uplifting activities while alone. Instead of sleeping or moping, I have been reading a really great church book that has made me want to become closer to Thee. I have been running. I usually am not a big runner, but lately I feel as if my soul needs it instead of just my body. I've been setting aside time for baths and meditation. Sometimes it's very difficult loving yourself. We get so critical of ourselves and have trouble forgiving ourselves for things that we've done in the past. I am guilty of this. Nowadays we constantly hear how we should accept people for their differences and forgive them of mistakes- because we are all human and no one is perfect. I 100% agree with this outlook on life, but I would like to add accepting yourself to that. Cherish the little things that set you apart and acknowledge things that you love about yourself. We all have gifts that make us special and things that we are given to build up not only others, but ourselves too. So use them.

-B :)

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