Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reason #8 - Good Books

   One of my favorite things is finding a great book and staying up really late reading because you can't put it down. Ahh, just thinking about it fills me with joy. My problem is, though, that I want to read so many books that I can't just read one at a time. So sometimes it takes me 6 months to finish a book because I'll be reading 3 other ones at the same time. I should work on that, but I just love reading and I just want to read everything. And I LOVE libraries. They are just so enchanting to me. I could spend hours in them. I love the atmosphere and even the smell. Plus you can meet the coolest people in libraries because the coolest people read.

My dream.

   I have a lot of favorite books, but It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini is probably my favorite. I think I like it so much because I identify SO much with the main character. It's about a boy named Craig who struggles with depression and ends up in a mental hospital. The way it's written is not depressing, it's really funny. It took me awhile to read because I started it before I went into the hospital, and then finished it after I got out. I credit this book for helping me so much through that time because it was comforting to see my life in a book basically. It's so real and it is based off the author's own struggles and stay in a hospital himself. The ending is just so amazing. I read the last page often when I am feeling down. Sadly, a couple days before this past Christmas, Ned Vizzini took his own life. I was heartbroken to hear that the man who wrote such an influential book in my life fell victim to his disease. After his passing I saw many people on the internet say how this book helped save their lives. I highly recommend it.
Some of my other favorites:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Crime and Punishment
Into the Wild
Looking for Alaska
The Outsiders
The Giver
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Harry Potter series
Hunger Games series
My Sister's Keeper
The Color Purple
A Series of Unfortunate Events
and so, so many more.
What I'm reading now...

   There's this great place that has super cheap used books called 2nd and Charles. You can also trade in old books for credit, but I don't like giving my books back because I like watching my collection get bigger. :)

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