Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reason #5 - Hand-written Letters

   Hand written letters mean a lot to me. I save every single one I receive and I read them on really bad days. I have letters that my 2nd grade class wrote me when I moved to Maryland, all the way to "thank you" letters that I got last week. There is something so special about a letter. Someone took the time to write to you, to thank you for something that you did for them, or to send some words of encouragement.

   My lovely friend Jane, who is currently on a mission trip in India, wrote me many letters to brighten my day when I was struggling a lot. She would add Bible verses in them and always reminded me that I was never alone in this. That impacted me so much and I am so thankful for her.

   One of the best notes that I ever received was only 9 words long, but was literally the turning point in my depression. At the camp I go to every year, I was sitting next to one of my most amazing friends, Melissa. We were listening to a speaker and she knew I was struggling and not making the best choices in my life at that time. She ripped off the corner of her paper and wrote me a little note and handed it to me. When I read it I burst out crying. I don't think she knew how much it meant to me, but we ended up both crying and making a little bit of a scene, haha. I'm not sure why it just hit me then, but there was just such a feeling of love in that moment. It was amazing. I literally felt like God had prompted her to do that because it was just what I needed. I still have that tiny note in my journal and it means so much to me.

   You never know what some kind words can do for someone. If you appreciate someone, write them a note. A little goes a long way.


P.S. If you would like to read about Jane and her team's adventures of spreading Christ's love in India, here is the link to their blog. She is an amazing writer!

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