Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reason #1 - Family

   Family was the first one I could think of, and at one point the only thing that kept me going. I love my family and I was always still am constantly worried about upsetting them. I have four younger siblings, two pretty great parents, and a cutie patootie dog. Not to mention the large extended family that I don't even have time to write about.


   Although my family is not perfect, I am so blessed to have them. I love having someone to always chat or play games with when I'm bored. Family game nights get intense at our house. We have stayed up into the wee hours of the night playing charades and Dance Central 2. I even had to take a break writing this post because my little brother that I babysit during the day said, "Hey, instead of being on the computer or watching TV, we should play UNO!! We are being bored right now." So we did, he won. But we will be having a rematch later. My siblings are my best friends. We laugh a lot. We even have a Top 10 Funniest Moments list that we talk about when we are all together that still makes up crack up laughing. My friends even ask me to tell them "Trae stories" because I have so many good ones from that kid.

   Sometimes we get frustrated with each other, but I wouldn't trade them for the world! <3



  1. Belén, you are an AMAZING person :)

    1. Thanks Jessica, you too! You always brighten my day! :) Love you and miss you!
