Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Count Your Blessings and Dwell on the Positives

   A couple days ago I was having a pretty bad day. Not because I was feeling uber depressed, full of anxiety, or overly stressed. It was completely circumstantial and I let myself dwell on something that should no longer bother me. This is something that I keep wondering why I still fall into sadness over because it cannot be changed. Nevertheless, I found myself in bed, staring at the ceiling and replaying situations in my head over and over again like I had done a million times before. All week, my roommates and I had planned on going to a dance party that I have been excited for for weeks now. But because of my state of mind that night, my body did not feel like leaving my bed, much less leaving my house and pretending I was happy.

   That's when my roommate came in, flung off my covers and said, "BQ, you have been waiting to go dancing for awhile now. I know you don't feel like it, but you will feel better and you will have fun." I knew she was right, so I slowly slipped out of bed and started the long process of prepping for the first party of the new semester. As I was curling my hair, she turned to me and asked me to tell her five things that I was thankful for. I spat out the usual answers - "my family, my friends, the gospel..." She then asked me to give ten more and really go into detail this time. I ended up saying some ridiculous things like "the feeling after you brush your teeth and then drink a cold glass of water" and "the smell of fresh laundry." Although these things may seem silly, they are things that genuinely make me happy.

   It is so important to remember the little things in life. Not everyday can involve a huge event that you'll remember the rest of your life. Sometimes you just have to sit back and focus on the tiny day to day things that get you by. If we count our good days by days that something spectacular happens, chances are you won't have as many as you hope for. But if you end everyday with thinking of all the things that you are thankful for, you will realize that there is good all around. It really is just your perspective that changes things.

Thank you Natalie for teaching me this important lesson and for being such a great friend. <3

-B :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Reason #32 - Good Hugs

   There are few things in life more loving than good hugs. Many would say that nothing can beat a sincere kiss, which is very accurate. Especially when shared between two people who really care about each other. But hugs are more universal. Anyone can hug and hugs mean so many different things. They can signify a start of a new friendship or a reunion between old pals. Hugs can be used for comfort, as a sign that one person is there for another. They can be used to say "I'm sorry," "congratulations," and "I love you."

   I believe that the warmth that occurs during a great hug is more than just body heat coming together, it's like my soul is warm and my whole body fills with happiness. It sounds cheesy, but I just feel so good when hugging. Give a hug today! :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blogging from the bath - Take time for yourself

   I'm currently blogging from my bathtub. And now I'm giggling to myself because I'm picturing myself looking like Rev Run. He ended every show by blogging from his bubble bath. Tehe anyway, this week I have been feeling a tad antisocial. This is normally a red flag for me slipping into a depression. When I start feeling this way, I usually cling onto the closest human and make them hold me until I feel better. But today I was thinking about the last time that I set aside some time for myself. To my surprise, I couldn't remember. For the past four months, I have been spending every moment when other people. Roommates are great to have, but you can feel just as depressed in a room full of people as you can all alone. No doubt, I feel a lot better when I get out of the house and spend my time with others, but it is also so neccessary to focus on yourself. I have always equated keeping to myself a major sign of depression. But it really is okay as long as you're not excessively pushing away others to be alone. Also, it's important to be doing uplifting activities while alone. Instead of sleeping or moping, I have been reading a really great church book that has made me want to become closer to Thee. I have been running. I usually am not a big runner, but lately I feel as if my soul needs it instead of just my body. I've been setting aside time for baths and meditation. Sometimes it's very difficult loving yourself. We get so critical of ourselves and have trouble forgiving ourselves for things that we've done in the past. I am guilty of this. Nowadays we constantly hear how we should accept people for their differences and forgive them of mistakes- because we are all human and no one is perfect. I 100% agree with this outlook on life, but I would like to add accepting yourself to that. Cherish the little things that set you apart and acknowledge things that you love about yourself. We all have gifts that make us special and things that we are given to build up not only others, but ourselves too. So use them.

-B :)