There are some things in this world that are extremely precious and kisses are one of them. I normally wouldn't share such a personal thing, but kisses are some things that make me mega happy! Last week I was on a date and we were walking the halls of my apartment building. He quickly hesitated at one of the doors and told me we had to stop. I was really confused at why we were stopping at a random door. He just pointed toward the ceiling and above us was a bundle of mistletoe. I don't mean to get cheesy, but I have ALWAYS wanted to be kissed under the mistletoe so it was a really cool moment for me. Plus it was a perfect first kiss.
If you can't think of anything else to live for, think of possible cute moments like this to look forward to. There's nothing like a sweet kiss to make you all giddy.
***Sorry for this post, dad. You can still believe I've never kissed a boy.***